The Future Is Bright


Pt. 1: The Future is Bright if...

Cibolo Creek Community Church
"The future is bright if we remain committed to the values, the priorities, and the behaviors God has promised to bless." In this weeks message, Paul introduces us to a new series and the ways in which God calls us to enjoy His blessings as we honor His design for our lives as His followers.
Sunday, September 4, 2022


The Future Is Bright

God has blessed our church family in so many exciting ways. But did you know there are several examples of people and churches in the Bible whose future was very bright, but sadly, they veered off-course over the years and ended up far, far away from God’s blessing. We can learn something from them. In this message series, we are diving into a study of what it takes for a church and a Christian to know the favor of God upon their life.

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