Thy Kingdom Come


Christmas Eve

We continue our discussion of God's Kingdom by celebrating the birth of the King - Jesus Christ. There are many different conclusions that people have come to regarding the story of Jesus's birth, his identity, and his significance. At the end of the day, however, the only conclusion that matters is yours. So, what do you say about Jesus? Is he your King?
Saturday, December 24, 2022


Thy Kingdom Come

Whether you have repeated the phrase "Thy Kingdom Come" a thousand times or this is your first time hearing it, many of us are unaware that we live inside the context of a Kingdom, ruled by a sovereign, almighty King; Moreover, we may be even more unaware that there exists an opposing kingdom, who is at war with us everyday. In this series, we explore the concept of God's Kingdom, the war being waged, and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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