Pay It Forward


Part 4: "Legacy: For A Time To Come"

We all want to have a positive impact on the world. We all want to make a difference. We all want to make the world better for the generations to come. Many of us, however, don't feel like that's what we are doing. Some people feel like their jobs are meaningless, some simply don't know how to have a positive impact, and some don't believe they even have the ability to make one. No matter what your current circumstances are or what you believe about yourself, you DO have the ability to positively impact the next generation. In the final message of this series, "Pay It Forward", Paul discusses the need of young people to have individuals like you to take interest and invest in their lives. In doing so, you work towards having a Legacy that is worthwhile.
Sunday, August 28, 2022


Pay It Forward

In the struggle to protect and preserve all that Christians have believed for centuries, our storied faith is in grave danger. A faith as old as time stands on the brink of extinction. At greatest risk is our next generation. It is urgent that this generation makes an intentional investment in those who follow in our steps: our children and all young people…our legacy. The Question is, are we going to allow the historic faith of Christians to be lost on our watch? Or are we willing to courageously pass on our faith to the young people who will receive the baton from us?

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