Get In The Game


Get in the Game: Ninth Inning

Cibolo Creek Community Church
It's that urgent time in the final game of the World Series: the bottom of the ninth, two outs, tying run on third and we have no idea how the game will end. Much like this urgent baseball moment, Paul has an urgent message for us as we wrap up our summer series, "Get In The Game".
Sunday, July 31, 2022


Get In The Game

Cibolo Creek knows how to do summer right, and Summer 2022 is no exception! From the sights and sounds of the ballpark to all the best things related to America’s favorite pastime, we will be drawing parallels between common baseball experiences and what they can teach us about life. We will explore topics like being a team, embracing wins and losses, hitting curveballs and change ups, finding your position on the field, moving around the bases, celebrating home runs and accepting strikeouts. We’ll even talk a bit about being more than a fan as a Christian and what it means for a church to build a dynasty.

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