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Whether you are a committed follower of Jesus or someone who is just trying to figure this whole “church” thing out, you’re family when you walk through our doors. Here is a quick welcome from our Senior Pastor, Paul Wilson.
If you are new to Cibolo Creek and would like to hear more about who we are and what we are all about, join us at our next "Welcome to Cibolo Creek" Dinner at the Fair Oaks Ranch Country Club. Enjoy dinner on us, meet our pastors and staff, and get all your questions about our church answered. Space is limited, so register today!
At Cibolo Creek, we believe church is not a building, the services, or even the teachings - a church is people. Our real work is relationships. We exist to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and we encourage our church family to build relationships with others who may be asking the same questions, dealing with similar issues, or who are interested in shared experiences or discovering how our faith intersects with everyday life. Click here to learn more about what we believe.
At Cibolo Creek we want you to know that when you walk through the doors, you belong here and can consider this your church home. No membership required. Since we don’t have traditional membership, you don’t need to "join" the church as a member, but we hope you become fully engaged in the life of the church. Click here to learn more about how to engage with us no matter what stage of life you find yourself in.
Our 9:30am and 11:00am services are both streamed on YouTube, Facebook, and right here at
After Sunday services, we post our sermons online on our messages page and our YouTube Channel.
We are thrilled to have you join us! We want your experience to be the best it can possibly be, so click here to plan your visit.
A great way you can stay connected with us is by signing up for our newsletter, Creek News. When you sign up, you will receive a bi-weekly email sharing all of the latest happenings at Cibolo.
You can also following us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram
Sunday: 9:30AM & 11:00AM 30395 Ralph Fair Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 830-981-8989
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