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Biblical courses to help you grow in your faith!
CiboloU is your chance to learn and grow in your faith! These courses are an educational discipleship opportunity designed to help you love the Lord with all your mind as well as your heart, soul and strength. We offer several different courses in biblical and theological education as well as practical Christian living that will help prepare you to serve as a disciple, a learner and a leader in your home and community.
You have a role in God's plan!Perspectives is a 15-lesson education course exploring different aspects of God's global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. Perspective isn't a course solely about world missions. It's a study program rooted in Scripture clarifying each believer's remarkable opportunity to co-labor with God in His global purpose. Join the journey and invite a friend to participate with you!
This is a 15-week course:Jan. 20 thru May 5
More Info & Register
Sharing your faith can be one of the hardest and most intimidating things for a Christian. One of the reasons for this is because many of us have never learned how to effectively share your faith with another person. And yet, your life and testimony may be the only Bible some people will ever see - and God can use you to draw others to faith.
This is a 4-week course:Jan. 21 thru Feb. 11
Following Jesus has long been likened to a spiritual journey. The Practicing the Way Course is designed to help get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, the goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.
This is a 7-week course:Jan. 23 thru Mar. 6
Sunday: 9:30AM & 11:00AM 30395 Ralph Fair Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 830-981-8989
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