Taking It to the Streets

Taking It to the Streets

Taking It to the Streets
January 25
5:45 PM to 8:30 PM

Cibolo Creek come serve with Taking It to the Streets Ministry!

Taking It to the Streets serves dinner in a family-style setting in downtown San Antonio to homeless men, women, and children on Saturday evenings. They have been serving and loving on the impoverished and homeless for 9+ years and have seen this ministry grow and change lives.

They serve from 724 Chestnut Street, which is the gated parking lot of Church Under the Bridge. In inclement weather, they serve inside the church in the fellowship hall.

They want everyone who serves with them to find a job that is suited to their own gifts and abilities. Some of these include TABLE HOSTS, FOOD SERVICE, PREP TEAM, TRASH, BIBLE STUDY LEADERS, CLOTHING DISTRIBUTION, ETC. We all play a vital role in the body and we believe that ALL of these roles are important and necessary.

They serve dinner every Saturday night, rain or shine! Volunteers need to arrive by 5:45pm for volunteer orientation and set-up. 

Register Here


Sunday: 9:30AM & 11:00AM
30395 Ralph Fair Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015


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