Baby Bottle Boomerang

Baby Bottle Boomerang

Baby Bottle Boomerang
January 5 to 26

Your loose change could change a baby’s life! 

The Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center, or HCPCC, has been serving families in the Hill country since 1987.  They offer free and confidential services to anyone! We are excited to be partnering with HCPCC on their annual Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser during the month of January!

Simply, pick up one of our baby bottles in the lobby, beginning January 5th and fill it with change, dollar bills, checks or any combination of all those. Return your filled bottle to the church on a Sunday morning or to the church office during office hours by January 26th.


Sunday: 9:30AM & 11:00AM
30395 Ralph Fair Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015


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